Borrowed Landscapes features the work of artists exploring and connecting with the Australian landscape and telling stories that have been previously overlooked. Featuring beautiful scenes from the Australian landscape, artists James Tylor, Amanda Williams, Hayley Millar Baker and Peta Clancy amongst others interrogate the grand narratives of colonial history through images that are questioning, unsettling and uncovering culture, connection and knowledge that has been lost.

Peta Clancy

Dacchi Dang

Simone Douglas

Yvette Hamilton

Alana Hunt

Danie Mellor

Hayley Millar Baker

James Tylor

Amanda Williams


Supported by NS Audiology 


Image caption: James Tylor, The Darkness of Enlightenment III (Karrawirra I)  (detail), 2024, Becquerel Daguerrotype. Image courtesy the artist and N. Smith Gallery, Sydney and © the artist.

Saturday 19 October - Sunday 2 February

Mosman Art Gallery