MIDDLE HEAD: 33º 50’ S, 151º 14’ E

Middle Head: 33° 50’ S, 151° 14’ E consists of an exhibition at the gallery with a series of site-specific artworks by fifteen established and emerging artists.

Middle Head: 33° 50’ S, 151° 14’ E consists of an exhibition at the gallery with a series of site-specific artworks by fifteen established and emerging artists working across a range of contemporary art disciplines.

47 page full colour exhibition catalogue available now from Mosman Art Gallery

Artists will explore the active and disused military sites at Middle Head and make artworks in response to these sites, drawing on the past and contemporary heritage of the area.

Artists include: Artists in Transit (Ro Murray & Susannah Williams), Geraldine Berkemeier, Mark Brown, Sophie Cape, Tom Carment, Nicole Ellis, Jumaadi, Peter Nelson, Catherine O’Donnell, Ben Quilty, Abdullah M.I. Syed, Jason Wing and Anne Zahalka with Sylvia Schwenk.