Ages 9-13 years

Tutor: Emily Shaddick

This Robert Klippel-inspired workshop will allow participants to explore a range of materials before creating their own wire sculptures. Using beads, buttons, foam and other found materials they will experiment with how to thread the wire, what materials work and why and to develop a sense of balance. This creative workshop is suitable for all kinds of thinkers as it combines both logic and creativity in a fun and inspiring atmosphere.


Image:  Nos 1037 - 1123 eighty seven small polychromed tin sculptures (detail), 1995
Polychromed tin, painted by Robert Klippel and Rosemary Madigan, various sizes
Collection: Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney  Gift of Andrew Klippel 2002



Thursday 24 January 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm

Mosman Art Gallery

$15 per child