Written by funny man Steve Martin and directed by renowned Australian Director George Ogilvie, whose credits include Mad Max 3 and The Dismissal, this highly entertaining comedy about art and artists (with a dash of science thrown in) centres on a fabled meeting between Pablo Picasso and Albert Einstein in a Paris bar in 1904. The audience can witness this unique convergence of geniuses and the fact that both the scientist Einstein and the painter Picasso are dealing with the same creative process.
The cast of ten features some of Australia’s popular stage and television actors including Kim Knuckey star of Underbelly: Razor and soon appearing in Baz Lurhman’s The Great Gatsby, Home and Away’s Gerry Sont, versatile drama and comedy series regular Steve McGrath and Kelly Butler, recently seen in Puberty Blues and in The Histrionic at the Sydney Theatre Company. The play also provides the chance to get acquainted with a youthful Picasso played by award winning young actor Gabriel McCarthy who is a master of physical theatre and avid Rowen Atkinson fan. The young Einstein is played by 25 year old Australian Theatre for Young People graduate Dominic Witkop.
7pm – 7:30pm. Enjoy a glass of wine and light refreshments before the performance and view the exhibition
7:30pm – 9pm. Picasso at the Lapin Agile.
Entry: $35 or $30 for
Price includes: Wine and refreshments
Online bookings: www.trybooking.com/31660
Enquiries: Janelle Patchett 9978 4185 or
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