2025 Artists of Mosman 2088

Mosman has been the home of artists for tens of thousands of years. The exceptional natural beauty of the area has inspired artists of the Borogegal and Carmmeraigal People, then those who formed the Curlew Artist Camps at Sirius Cove in the late 19th century, and countless artists since.

Artists of Mosman 2088 presents a survey exhibition of the region’s thriving artistic community and includes works created by Mosman residents as well as Members and Volunteers of Mosman Art Gallery and incorporates painting, drawing, printmaking, textiles, photography, sculpture and ceramics.


2025 Artists of Mosman_2088 Terms and Conditions

2025 Artists of Mosman 2088 Frequently Asked Questions


Exhibited Artists

First nameLast nameTitle of artworkMedium
HelenAlajajianQuietudeItalian alabaster
Suzanne AlexanderShark,Clark,Garden - Islands of Sydney HarbourAcrylic and mixed Media
Julianne Ross AllcornCatching my thoughts Mixed media on birch wood panel
CherylAllenLong lunchOil on canvas
JohnAmblerThe Island at Balmoral Water colour painting
HollyAndersonHow I Remember Acrylic on canvas
MichelleArnottNocturnal Tableausynthetic polymers on canvas
ChrisAshleyPoppiesOil on Canvas
NatalieAvtarovskiTuesday CakeWatercolour on paper
GerardoBarriosThe bull rider Oil on canvas
Erika Beck Three Sisters - Blue Mountains Water colour on paper
MichelleBelgiornoSeeking LightOil on Linen
CeciliaBellRead Between the TreesAcrylic on Canvas
SusanBernasconiThe Little Princewatercolour
JoBertiniWalking Rainoil on Belgian linen
AndreBiet"At Last"Wood, metal, plastic, leather, fabric and oil paint
DavidBoddam-WhethamMosman BayAcrylic + Oil
MariaBrookesBushfire countryAcrylic on canvas
GillBurkeSilent SentinelLinocut
anncapeArkaroolagauche and ink on paper
IntaCharterisManlyOil on Canvas
MatthewChenThe Kingfisherpainting: acrylic on paper
SumeiChewFlowers for my LoveAcrylic on canvas
DianaChewSymphony in StasisAcrylic
AvrilleCicconeSea RanchPhotopolymer etching
PeterClagueTono Matsuri X. 2025.acrylic on canvas
Stephen CoburnEndlessness316 stainless steel
RobynColemanTumut SunsetEarth Pastels on Paper
ChristineCondosTranquilityWatercolour on Canvas
GinnyConstableFruit stickers are edible?Watercolour
lisCurmanThe Golden Sentinelsoil on canvas
jandeaneAround the buoyAcrylic on linen
MoniqueDery-BoyerRainbow LorikeetsGlitter on Belgian linen canvas
patriciadibbsThree sailing boats Acrylic on canvas
AlisonDillonWhen the party is overOil on canvas
BridgeDivineBabe's at BalmoralWater Colour
KenDoneNew Year's morningoil and acrylic on linen
EmilyDudinAlmost as good as Bathers' PavillionGlazed ceramic
BrendaDuncombeThe BayAcrylic
Julian EatherSaffron and SilververAcrylic and Collage
Kim CElliottBull Market Bronze
DongwangFanGumtree Acrylic on canvas
Catherine FederIt’s About The MusicAcrylic on canvas
JaneFioreNear TumutOil on canvas
ElaineFoulshamStanding BoldAcrylic on Canvas
PeterFrayyou and meacrylic on wood block
Margot Freimann Balmoral Oil on canvas
AmandaFullerStairway to Heaven , Palm Beach NSW Oil painting in canvas
LindaGoldKen Oil on canvas
Barbara GoldinMertens Falls/ KimberleyAcrylic on canvas
RodneyGrantDolmens with stars and dreamscollagagraph print
PeterGrayWhale Beach Headlandoil on canvas
MarikoGrayBushfire SunsetAcrylic on wood panel
DianaGreenMIDORI I MIDORI IIClay, Dry Glaze
MariaGuthrieOn the Verge Banks Street 0il on Board
TerhiHakolaearth and evensongvideo
PeterHallThe Three SistersOil on canvas
JanetteHanrahanDistant Hillsacrylic on canvas
DeirdreHartFacades of Military RoadAcrylic on board
AngelaHart (Truscott)Green and GoldAcrylics on canvas
Virginia HendyParfum, Fragonard 1Photopolymer, embossing, hand-colour
MichelleHenry5 You could swear that the goddess had emerged from the waves Oil on canvas
Kit HoisingtonTree Roots in 3Dpaper cutting and ink on paper
SallyHollisRaw Earth Meditation 5 - Orange SunsetAcrylic on canvas
JanHookWooden pearOil on board
Lucy Hookway Softly Woven, Strongly Cast Ceramics
NoraHoskingMorning Tide - Plein AirGouache
AdrienneHuntSunset at Bradley’s Headoil on canvas
SteveJannarFrom Gladesville Bridge, Looking North IIIAcrylic on Canvas
AlexandraJonscherjdahfksj AI-generated imagery, ink, acrylic and spray paint on perspex
HollyKendallTiny Dancer Acrylic On Canvas
GailKennedyExtraction in abstractionAcrylic
sangheeKimLines over waterpaint
PetraKlausSimple Pleasures Acrylic on canvas
PetraKlausSimple Pleasuresacrylic on canvas
GwenKowalski”The Light Came Through”Acrylic on canvas
JudyLaneMy TablePastel on sandpaper
LiliaLarcosL'Artiste LabradorAcrylic
GloriaLauLunch after class Watercolour on paper
JosefiaLemonSerene View from Domain, SydneyWatercolour
MarkLovickHi*AiPaint on Canvas
BrigiatMalteseTiny Beautiful Things (Summer)Watercolour
Maria (Ria)MARINOBack to SchoolAcrylic on Canvas
LizMatherCollect Moments Not ThingsAcrylic
HeviMattiniBalance in Green in Raglan St.water colour
melissamcelhoneto have and to holdgouache and acrylic
LyndaMcKayTwofoldOil on canvas
AntoinetteMcSharryVerona 4watercolour and pencil
Jill MercerRosa Snow Kisswatercolour and ink
Libby MewingWatercourse Mixed media on board
TessaMilneThe BeachGauche on canvas
LynnetteMilnePark with dogsPencil, ink
LucyMoloneyHarbour Edge 112 colour pigment print on 310gsm photo rag
AshleyMorganCountry DuskAcrylic
EmikoMorrisMother & ChildOil
Christine MoultComposition with pink jug. Oil on panel
AlisonMuirBalmoral 2textiles
bonniemulhollandJan on saxacrylic
RickMunningsNorth HeadAcrylic on canvas
BrettNasebyThere Was A Car And A DreamBauhaus Pearl Metallic behind 6mm Acrylic
RobynNovakovic"Colac Gum"Pencil on paper
ToshikoOiyamaTwilight Ink, thread and punctures on paper
LindaOlsteinA New Dayacrylic on canvas
FrancesO'RourkeReminisceAcrylic on Canvas
DavidOwerLarge Tangerine (Balmoral)Acrylic on canvas
NinaPaineGymea Lily 2Watercolour
MarshallPhillipsDog for saleAcrylic on linen
CatrionaPollardSilenced VoicesWoven Sculpture
SalliePortnoyBlue Rasacast lead glass crystal
KateRaeManly BeachPastel and acrylic on card
CarolynRendleTaffy’s PlaceTextile, steel, wood
CherylRichardsonDeep Apricot Platformacrylic on canvas
ElaineRomalisNothing Gold Can StayOil on canvas
BrendaSamuelsFor GeorgeOil paint on linen
BrendanScottἐγέλασεBronze (sculpture)
SueSharpeAncient presenceoil
Susan SheridanAutumn birdbathsWatercolour
VivianShui Morning light Oil on canvas
MichaelaSimoni knight of Mosman oil on canvass
JillSwartBoronia House Drawing
CliveTaylorCounting SheepWatercolour on paper
ElizabethTaylorInvasive Species ICeramic paint, copper wire and polymer clay with ceramic figure
LindieTreleavenFountainoil on board - en plein air
JacquelineTuckA Secret Place Oil
SallyTunleyGrafiti EsqueTextile
HowardArthurTweediePlatypus Lane3oil on linen
PamelaTwomeyRoad to ExeterOil on canvas
BironValierROYAL HOTELpen and ink drawing
KarinaVallinsIrisKiln fired glass picture
Feyonavan StomDesireeRaku fired ceramic sculpture
RodWalkerEYESEEUOil Pastels on paper
AnnaWarrenExuberantColoured pencil on paper
SallyWestFlowers For Bonnieoil on canvas
SusanWhiteFire and IceAcrylic
David KWiggsLittle Righthander-Freshwater-Plein airOil on oil paper
HelenWildersilk shawl handwoventextile
PaulWilliamsHeadland Middle Harbour.Acrylic on Linen
NoelWiltonrmony of VasesCeramic
AnneWoodhamSmorgasbord, ignoredgraphite and coloured pencil on paper
NaadiyaWozeerA Taste of HomeOil on canvas
GuzaliyaXavierCoastal walkAcrylic paint on canvas
Berit ZettermanTree EmbraceAcrylic on Canvas
MarlenZilinskyWhere to?Acrylic
There will be two public programs associated with the exhibition thanks to our sponsor