A miniature city with over 900 individual buildings that are made almost entirely of recycled materials.

BOXWORLD is a spectacular miniature city made almost entirely of recycled materials. It is created by one man, Warren Thomas. Warren is an environmentalist and model maker, originally from Tasmania, who believes in the value of the three R’s: Reduce, Re-Use and Recycle.

Warren was inspired to create BOXWORLD after taking his children to see a traveling ‘Legoland’ display. Fascinated by the tiny buildings he decided to create his own city. Warren said: “I wanted to use materials that weren’t plastic, and that were free.” A few milk cartons and cereal boxes later and BOXWORLD was born!

BOXWORLD has been 12 years in the making, and now covers an area approximately 200 square metres. On display will be spectacular highlights, including 5m high skyscrapers. The installation is not based on any real city but has its own unique elements. There are even references to corporate history such as a ‘Onetel’ building. BOXWORLD includes elements found in most cities such as a football ground, swimming pool, airport, hospital and factories.

Mosman Art Gallery is BOXWORLD’s premier showing in Sydney. Previously it has toured Tasmania and Victoria.

BOXWORLD transforms waste into something exciting to look at. Other materials used include cardboard, polystyrene, cans, straws and icecream sticks. The ferris wheel is made from a BMX bike wheel, the circus big top is made from an old carry bag and the spire on the cathedral is made from a tomato sauce bottle.

Warren stated: “I even tried to get BOXWORLD into the Worlds Guinness Record book as the world’s largest city made from recycled materials but it was declared ineligible being a one off in the world!”

Warren Thomas at Mosman Art Gallery

Interview by Suzanne Davey, music ‘Busy Strings’ by Zeotropia
Published under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 licence