Mosman Youth Art Prize 2017

Congratulations to the winners of the Mosman Youth Art Prize 2017, an annual competition organised by Mosman Council aimed at encouraging the creative talents of young, aspiring and emerging artists and providing a showcase for their works along with over $8,000 in cash prizes and $6,000 in art scholarships, materials and prizes. 

A crowd of over three hundred people attended the opening of the 2017 Mosman Youth Art Prize on Friday 31 March at Mosman Art Gallery. The awards were handed out by Mayor of Mosman, Councillor Peter Abelson and this year’s judge, Cara Macleod. The awards were supported by Gold Sponsor – Mosman Audi, and Silver Sponsors – Fourth Village Providore, National Art School, Northshore School of Art and The Julian Ashton Art School.

An exhibition showcasing the selected artwork will be held at Mosman Art Gallery until 13 April 2017. 


Image caption: Roanize Kruger, Personal Exodus – alienation, Julian Ashton Art School, Full Art Scholarship Award, 2017 Youth Art Prize


Junior Category Prize Winners (Age 12 – 14)

1st Prize – Oliver Freeman, Self portrait

2nd Prize – Izabella Kitching, My sister Emma
3rd Prize – Harrison Winslow Kent, The anatomy of ideas
Highly Commended – Bing Jie Huang, Won’t you torture someone else’s dream
Encouragement Award – Sebastian Natoli, Remembering a great (Friends of Mosman Art Gallery award)
Encouragement Award – Darwin Jian, Chinese New Year (Mosman Art Society/Art Smart award)

Senior Category Prize Winners (Age 15 – 17)

1st Prize – Zoe Kosmas, Egypt’s lament
2nd Prize – Xiaoxuan Yang, Self portrait (as artist)
3rd Prize – Kathleen O’Hagan, Reflections
Highly Commended – Lachlan Gromek, A$AP  Rocky
Encouragement Award – Bella Lamaro, Ink heart (Friends of Mosman Art Gallery award)
Encouragement Award – Brodie Fleming, Deep blue (Environment and Open Space, Mosman Council award)

Tertiary Category Prize Winners (Age 18 – 21)

1st Prize – Alice Chui, The camera eats first
2nd Prize – TJ O’Brien, Slice
3rd Prize – Bethany Philpotts, Imbued with memory
Highly Commended – Dilara Niriella, I see you
Encouragement Award – Laura Hayley, Bugging me (Friends of Mosman Art Gallery award)
Encouragement Award – Anyes Theau, The process of knowledge (Australian Watercolour Institute award)

Julian Ashton Art School Winners

Summer School scholarship – Bethany Philpotts, Imbued with memory
Full art scholarship – Roanize Kruger, Personal Exodus – alienation


National Art School Short Course winner

Imogen Gay, Ellie
Selected Entries


Gold Sponsor


Silver Sponsors













Kindly Supported by

The Australian Watercolour Institute
Friends of Mosman Art Gallery
The Rotary Club of Mosman
Mosman Art Society / Art Smart