Mosman Youth Art Prize 2019
The Mosman Youth Art Prize exhibition features the diverse talents of our region’s young, aspiring and emerging artists and offers them the opportunity to exhibit their work in a public art gallery. This is a popular competition with close to 400 entries received annually with entrants from all over Sydney. Young artists aged between 12-21 submit artworks in a variety of media including; painting, sculpture, drawing, printmaking, video, photography and ceramics to win over $13,000 in cash prizes, scholarships and art materials.
The 2019 Mosman Youth Art Prize Judge was Sydney artist Liam Benson.
Congratulations to the 2019 Mosman Youth Art Prize winners;
First Prize – Junior
Gloria Han, The island
Second Prize – Junior
Kate Zhong, Consider

Third Prize – Junior
Tiarn Garland, Last call

Highly Commended – Junior
Rachel Chen, A wrinkle in nature

Highly Commended – Junior
Samantha Klein, Life is luck

First Prize – Senior
Marium El-hajj, Put yourself in somebody else’s shoes: Child of war (self-portrait)

Second Prize – Senior
Tamsyn Turner, Wrap me

Third Prize – Senior
Zhiqing Liu, To have nothing at all

Highly Commended – Senior
Phyllis Chan, Conscious?

First Prize – Tertiary
James Baldwin, Repaired legacies

Second Prize – Tertiary
Emily Francis, Finding Sally: Life through my mother’s eyes

Third Prize – Tertiary
Laura Hayley, Experimental arts

Highly Commended – Tertiary
Marine Anoshian, My utopia (detail)

Friends of the Gallery Encouragement Award – Junior
Rachael Gong, World without trees

Friends of the Gallery Encouragement Award – Senior
Huw Bradshaw, Mint Hotel introspection

Friends of the Gallery Encouragement Award – Tertiary
Emily Francis, Finding Sally: Life through my mother’s eyes

Mosman Art Society/Art Smart Encouragement Award
Max Gregg, Away

Australian Watercolour Institute Encouragement Award
Maya Cook, Therapy dog: A battle with breast cancer

Julian Ashton Art School Full Scholarship
Micah Lihachov, The tranfiguration

Julian Ashton Art School Summer Scholarship
Jenna Caspary, Bravery at its best

Image: Dilara Niriella, Sorry to interrupt.., 2018, oil on canvas. Winner of Tertiary category, 2018 Mosman Youth Art Prize.