2021 Mosman Youth Art Prize Entries Now Open

The Mosman Youth Art Prize features the diverse talents of the country’s young, aspiring and emerging artists and offers them the opportunity to exhibit their work in a public art gallery. Young artists aged between 12 – 21 submit artworks in a variety of media including: painting, sculpture, drawing, printmaking, video, photography and ceramics to win over $7,000 in cash prizes and art materials.

The 2021 Mosman Youth Art Prize judge is Sydney-based multidisciplinary artist Abdul Abdullah whose practice is primarily concerned with the experience of the ‘other’. Abdullah’s projects have engaged with different marginalized minority groups and he is particularly interested in the disjuncture between perception/projection of identity and the reality of lived experience. Identifying as a Muslim and having both Malay/Indonesian and convict/settler Australian heritage, Abdullah occupies a precarious space in the political discourse that puts him at odds with popular definitions.

ARTWORK RECEIPTING DAY is Tuesday 27 April, 8.30am-6pm.
Artwork must be delivered to the Gallery on this day.

Maximum one entry per artist. Entry forms must be completed online prior to receipting day.

2021 Mosman Youth Art Prize Terms and Conditions.pdf

2021 Mosman Youth Art Prize Frequently Asked Questions.pdf


Two printed copies of the entry form must accompany your artwork on receipting day.


Thanks to the support of our sponsors ArtSmart, all 2021 entrants are eligible to receive a 15% discount on framing. To take up this offer, please mention you are a 2021 Mosman Youth Art Prize entrant. For more information call 02 9949 7477, visit www.artsmartartstore.com or visit their store at 50 Ethel Street, Seaforth, NSW.

For enquiries relating to the Mosman Youth Art Prize please contact 02 9978 4168 or j.gillespie@mosman.nsw.gov.au.


  • , 24/02/2021 12:00 am.