Living Bequest

Make a bequest and be part of Mosman Art Gallery’s future growth for generations to come. Each Living Bequest or Gift in Will can be tailored to suit your needs and future vision.

A Living Bequest or Gift in Will is a wonderful way to give back to Mosman Art Gallery during your lifetime. Mosman Art Gallery is delighted to announce three recent Living Bequests from Phillipa Morris, Carol and Brian Carrigan, and Brad Lewis and Leszek Galezia – a legacy now and for future generations. 

There are many ways that your Living Bequest can be arranged, including leaving a general bequest or it can be nominated for a specific purpose. Living Bequests to Mosman Art Gallery may be directed toward exhibitions, acquisitions, capital works, education and public programs, or toward a specific project.

To acknowledge and thank you for your Living Bequest, the Mosman Art Gallery would provide you with honorary membership of the Creative Circle, our annual donor program, and invite you to select VIP events throughout the year. Your gift would also be acknowledged on the Gallery entrance donor board, website and quarterly brochure. We would also respect your wishes if you preferred your gift to remain anonymous.

To advise us of your Living Bequest, we would require a copy of the appropriate extract from your Will, or correspondence from your solicitor confirming your intentions. Mosman Art Gallery highly recommends that you seek independent legal advice, as they will provide you with the most suitable Living Bequest arrangement for you. 

Your Living Bequest can make a huge impact on Mosman Art Gallery and can greatly assist in building a better Gallery for everyone.

Suggested wording for your Living Bequest are detailed below:

Unrestricted Bequest “I give to the Mosman Art Gallery (ABN 94 414 022 939) the whole of my Estate [OR … % of my Estate, the residue of my Estate; OR the sum of $… AND/OR the following property…] free of all duties and deductions, to be applied for the purposes of the Mosman Art Gallery in such manner as the Director of the Mosman Art Gallery may determine and I direct that a receipt from the Director of the Gallery shall be sufficient discharge for such gift.”

Specific Bequest “I give to the Mosman Art Gallery (ABN 94 414 022 939) the whole of my Estate [OR … % of my Estate, the residue of my Estate; OR the sum of $… AND/OR the following property…] free of all duties and deductions, to be applied for the following purpose [eg. Public Art, the Gallery Collection, Aboriginal Art, Asian Art, capital purposes, operating costs, specific department etc] and I direct that a receipt from the Director of the Gallery shall be sufficient discharge for such gift.”

For further information please contact: Ann Shoebridge, Philanthropy Officer, Mosman Art Gallery on t: 02 9978 4164 or e:


Learn more about the impact of a Living Bequest with Brian and Carol Carrigan


Image credit: The Balnaves Gift 10 Years, Mosman Art Gallery, 2022. Photo Jacquie Manning