Jo Mellor explores the plethora of environmental challenges that define our contemporary existence through the environmental degradation found in and around the mining town of Broken Hill, 
NSW. This body of work demonstrates the need to honour Country and to repair and care for our natural world. Mellor’s art practice sits at the nexus of digital imagery, landscape painting and textile art. Her textile artworks are a transformative nexus between the digital homogeneity of the printed fabric and the domestic task of hand sewing and embroidery. The hand sewn artworks are analogous to care and repair of Country. 



image: Jo Mellor, Burst of sun through the clouds on a Broken Hill Morning, 2019, digital fabric print on linen, hand sewn with wool and embroidery cotton thread, image courtesy and © the artist. 

Monday 20 November - Sunday 11 February

inProfile, Ground Floor, Mosman Art Gallery