"I like painting boxes and wood. They are like buildings, I like painting buildings. They are not meant to represent anything.
I paint different colours – blue, orange, red, white, pink, green, and brown. I like different colours. I feel happy when I paint. When I'm painting I'm calm.
I feel proud of these works hanging on the wall. I’m excited to show this work. I would like everyone to see my art. I'm a fan of 007 (James Bond). If 007 saw my art I would be happy." – Damian Showyin

Damian’s exhibition combines painting and sculpture, building an environment that encourages wonder, curiosity and playfulness. In his expanded painting practice Damian interrogates the architecture of the gallery, inserting and assimilating his works into the space in surprising ways. The walls and ceiling become pieces of his puzzle; elements to play with rather than architecturally neutral spaces. With a carefully chosen colour palette, Damian’s use of shapes lay the foundation for a landscape that is familiar yet surprising. - Shan Turner-Carroll.


Damian Showyin works out of Studio A, a leading Australian supported studio for professional artists with intellectual disability.


image: Damian Showyin, Suede Blue, 2024, installation view, Mosman Art Gallery, image courtesy the artist and Studio A, Sydney and © the artist. Photograph: Jacquie Manning. 

Saturday 18 May - Sunday 28 July

Gallery 2, Level 2, Mosman Art Gallery